by Lisi Cocina
Twitter: @ElizabethCocina

Ephemeral you::dandelion seeds on wing::leave only scent trail.

Accident in glass::born violent collision::twinkle on concrete.

I hear a tiger::she’s right outside my window:: knows to simply wait

Once I was ancient::later i crawled, a baby:::begin at the end.

I’ve only got a::a little time, so please let::me do this my way.

Sand in the hourglass falling::can i recapture wonder::suspend disbelief?

I know real magic::rosebud opens in my palm::lailene sees and smiles.

I saw you that time::rudyards smell of beer, sweat smoke::are you still there now?

You were surprised by::me, putting too much skin in::the game crashed too soon.

My car is my friend::she was sick, mechanic fixed:: he gave me freedom.

White light frames the door::: key in lock predawn stillness::streetlight blaze, rooster.

Wondering, wishing: that the little girl i was: would send me a kiss. 
