In the table below the estimated Spanish-Surnamed population of registered voters in Harris County, Texas, is juxtaposed with the non-Spanish-surnamed population of registered voters by age group. The data sets are based on the official Harris County voter roll as of the end of April 2016. The estimated number of Spanish-surnamed registered voters was garnered by conducting an Access query of the voter roll using a U.S. Census glossary of over 12,000 Spanish-surnames. The Age Group intervals are based on examples of U.S Census Bureau Population tables. It is important to note that the age groups are based on the year-of-birth of each registered voter.


SSRV vs NonSSRV-May 2016

The data shows that an estimated 47 percent of Spanish-surnamed registered voters in Harris County are 39 years of age or younger while an estimated 35 percent of the non-Spanish-surnamed registered voter population are 39 years of age or younger.

The data also shows that an estimated 41 percent of Spanish-surnamed registered voters in Harris County are between 40 and 64 years of age; an estimated 45 percent of the non-Spanish-surnamed registered voters are between 40 and 64 years of age.

Lastly, the data shows that an estimated 12 percent of Spanish-surnamed registered voters in Harris County are 65 years of age or older; an estimated 20 percent of the non-Spanish-surnamed registered voter population are 65 years of age or older.

In short, the estimated Spanish-surnamed registered voter population is younger than the estimated non-Spanish-surnamed registered voter population.

