This is an apples-to-apples comparison of the 2010 and 2020 demographics for the City of Houston. The 2010 statistics come from the April 11, 2011, City of Houston Revised Redistricting Plan which was based on 2010 Census Redistricting Data Summary Files. The 2020 statistics are based on the 2020 Census (P.L. 94-171) Redistricting Data Summary Files for Houston.

*Any calculation error is the fault of the author. For verification, the raw Census Redistricting Data Summary Files may be obtained from the U.S. Census website.


-The share of the Hispanic population and voting age population decreased slightly in Council District A, C, H and I. (District H and I are Hispanic opportunity opportunity districts.) Citywide, the Hispanic/Latino share of the population and voting age population saw a negligible increased.

-The White share of the population and voting age population decreased in every Council District except H and I. Citywide, the White share of the population and voting age population decreased by 2%.

-The Black share of the population and voting age population grew slightly in Council Districts held by Whites. However, the Black share of the population and voting age population decreased to below 50% in historic Black opportunity districts B and D. Citywide, the Black share of the population decreased by 1%, from 23.1% to 22.1%.

-The Asian population grew slightly in every Council District. Citywide, the Black share of the population and voting age population increase by 1%.

NOTE: This analysis is on-going and not final.
